
How and why I collect data

This privacy policy explains what data may be collected about you when you use it, why I need it, how it is stored and how you can review the information I hold about you. This is to make sure my business complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – which if you haven’t heard of before, is all explained on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.

Website cookies

Cookies are small files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log and visitor behaviour information. This helps me make sure it’s working in the best way possible, for both me and my website users. This information is anonymised — I cannot find out the identities of anyone visiting my website.

To find out more about cookies visit or They’ll also tell you how to remove cookies from your browser, or how to not accept them altogether.

When you make an enquiry

When you make an enquiry about using my services (either directly or via my website contact form) I’ll collect personal information including your name, email address, phone number and details about your enquiry, in order to be able to provide you with the service you’ve requested.

I store this information on a client management system (CMS). At the current time that’s a company called StudioNinja, who are fully GDPR compliant. If that ever changes, I’ll make sure the new CMS is fully GDPR compliant as well. My account is protected with a secure password.

I will not use that information for marketing purposes or pass it on to anyone else without your specific consent, and you have the right to ask me to delete it at any time. As standard, the information will be deleted at the point where it no longer becomes necessary for running my business.

After the shoot

Generally I’ll supply your photos either via a Dropbox link or online gallery. I’ll only ever share this link with you and with anyone else you have requested I pass it on to. If an online gallery is used, I password protect it and set a download PIN as standard – that will only ever be different if agreed with you first. If any other method of delivery is used I will always do my best to ensure only you and anyone else you have requested will have access.

In common with most photographers I reserve the right to use the images I’ve created in promotional materials, but I will always respect requests not to, or to remove images that have already been used in this way (although it is not always possible to completely remove from circulation images that have already been shared).

Mailing lists

From time to time I send out a newsletter via email to keep interested people up to date with the work I’m doing. I’ll only ever send this to you if you have given your express consent to receive them. 

I hope you’ll enjoy receiving them, but if you change your mind there will be an unsubscribe link of every communication.

This information is stored on sendinblue, which also collects statistics around e-mail opening and clicks which help me monitor my communications. See sendinblue’s terms of use.

Other websites

Where I provide links to other websites not managed by me, this privacy policy online applies to my websites ( and 

While I’m almost certain all the websites I link to are reputable, I can’t verify or otherwise take responsibility for the contents of any externally linked websites. So be careful out there, folks.

Access to your personal information

You are entitled to view, amend or delete the personal information I hold about you at any time. Just email me at marc (at)

Changes to this policy

This policy is effective from 20 May 2018 and will be reviewed annually.